Hello friends, welcome back to my blog. This is going to be an instructional blog. I am OCD when it comes to making my blog look perfect. A table of content is very important because:

  • It helps readers know the backbone of the blog and where they are while reading the content.
  • The reader can move easily to a different section of the blog.

Here is the final result that I want

Table of content on the right side

The “Table of content” locates in the right column. The “Table of Content” must:

  1. Located on the right-hand side.
  1. If I scroll down, I can still see it
  2. It highlights the section I am currently at.

Step 1: Download the plugin “Table of content.”

  • Log in to WordPress
  • Select Plugins
  • Search, download, and Activate “Easy Table of Contents
How to download “Table of Content” plugin

Step 2: Go to Settings

  • Select Table Of Contents
  • Check “ Enable Support” for Post and Pages
  • Uncheck “Auto Insert” for Post and Pages because you don’t want the Table of Content to appear on the body of the blog

Step 3: Add “Table of Contents” to the right SIDEBAR

  • In the WordPress main Control panel
  • Select “Appearance” on the left side
  • Select ‘Widgets

Instead of seeing this:

What you often see when you click “Widgets”

Since I am using the Newspaper theme by tagDiv, I see this

What you see if you are using NewsPaper theme

For every blog, the current setup for “Custome Sidebar” is always Default Sidebar

So to add or make changes to the sidebar, I go back to “APPEARANCE,” and then “WIDGETS.” Here is the vid I made to show you how it is done

  • Since you are using the Newspaper theme, the sidebar will stay fixed even when the reader scrolls down the blog. 

I hope this works for you. If you like this blog and want more content like this one, please consider SUBSCRIBE to my email list below. You also get 2 free guides: HOW TO START BLOGGING and HOW TO USE CANVA.COM FOR BEGINNER.

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